Current Portfolio

Ramen Project

This was my first project. It immersed me into the world of Front-End Development through SheCodes Basic, a beginner 3-week coding workshop. I utilized my basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with my new skills in VS Code, to build a landing page about Ramen. The page utilizes JavaScript functions to create basic user interaction.

Weather Project

This project is a Vanilla JavaScript Weather App that I developed through SheCodes Plus, an intermediate 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. Building upon my previously-gained knowledge, I also became skilled in Bootstrap, API’s, real-life Development Workflow, Hosting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app.

React Weather App

This is my first React Weather App which I developed through SheCodes React, an advanced 8-week workshop. This Weather App is Responsive, hosted on React & Netlify and is built using my previously acquired skills in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Flexbox and API. I also became skilled in NPM, Terminal, React Debugging and React AJAX which I combined to create this fully-functioning weather app that uses live data to display the 5-day forecast.

React Dictionary Project

This is my final Advanced React Development project. A Dictionary which I developed through SheCodes React, an advanced 8-week workshop. This Dictionary is Responsive, hosted on React & Netlify and is built using my previously acquired skills in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Flexbox. I also became skilled in NPM, Terminal, React Debugging and React AJAX which I combined to create this fully-functioning dictionary that utilizes API to display accurate diction depictions.